A Locked Rubber Room Thread???


That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
In fact, 2 locked Rubber Room threads. I have never seen a locked Rubber Room thread before.

So what is in that thread?

Cock, Creampies, Trannys shitting on midgets??? Taylor Rain taking it up the ass from Julio Franco while he is wearing his New York Mets jersey while SkinsRaj blows mud directly on her face?

No, fuckin RoxyGuy!


You cant even say RoxyGuy anymore on the RX. That word is censored.

Granted all this RoxyGuy attention could up her total number of members on her website from 3 to 5 people but man we cant even bring up Roxydude anymore.

Just reading Roxy's posts, you know he would do anything to bring attention to his site including cutting off his left nut.

This homo tries to pull all this BS round about ways to prove he is a girl but does nothing to confirm it and put it all to rest. This dude or nasty ass chick loves the attention. Roxy may very well be a girl although I doubt it. If Roxy is a girl, she definitely is not some hot bitch, I can tell you that. She probably looks similar to some of these WNBA chicks.

Of all the things that are said on here a fuckin RoxyGurl thread is locked?


New member
Jul 20, 2002
How many Roxygurl threads will it take to make you happy?

There were three going at once.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
This is the hot news. Its like Israel attacking Lebanon is the hot news today and we see stories about it all over at nauseam.
Roxygurl scamming the posters at the RX and other sites for several years and all the scams that were pulled over everyone's eyes are coming to the surface. Its drama and our Soap Opera and it is in the right location.
Granted I could care less about the whole thing as it just adds some minor entertainment to my stressful life.
Jan 19, 2006
Wilheim, I have received emails from many of the members here telling
me they love what I am doing with this roxygurl situation. They say
it is entertaining and they look forward to whats coming next.

Wilheim, the posters here, especially the newer ones need to be
protected from this scam called roxygurl. I understand you are
sort of a old-school cat which I respect immensely, but these
threads are fun and entertaining to many. Just look at the view #'s?

C'mon Wil, you can't help someone who can't even help herself.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Gyne, you don't have to listen to the other side of the story which includes plenty of complaints (mostly about you). Some of your accusations are pretty far fetched and close to being libelous.

Personally I have never had a problem with Roxygurl and don't understand your obsession with trashing her. Quite frankly I wish you would take it over to your own forum (something I would do seeing how it is so popular).

I left one thread open but definitely do not see the need for three separate threads bashing a single poster. You guys should look for a different way to get your shits and giggles beside Roxygurl bashing.

Kind of reminds me of the humor of my sophmore year in high school when I read some of the stuff posted in these Roxy threads.

Jan 19, 2006
I wonder who is complaining? LOL!!!!!

Just cause you don't have a problem with roxygurl doesn't mean other
people don't. Where are these people who have a problem with me?
I don't see them in any of the roxy threads? I see an abundance of people who agree with me. Sorry I don't buy what you are saying Wil. Not
trying to be a jerk, but the ratio between positive and negative
roxy posts are about 1/100.

Why are you defending roxygurl after she has been exposed? Wil
I am not questioning your authority but be fair. Seems like your the
only who has came to her defense. Maybe you feel sorry for her.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Actually I have recieved complaints from several sources about the viciousness of your attacks, you really should lighten up - living with that hate is dangerous.

As far as 100 to 1 goes - I don't those kind of numbers, mainly yourself and hand full of others also somewhat obsessed with Roxy's gender...

Bottom line lets keep any current comments on Roxygurl to a single thread.

Jan 19, 2006
Alright Wil, that is fair enough. As I have mentioned before I have
a pet peeve with people claiming to be something they are not. It
is just something that gets on my nerves, and obviously I am not
the only one. No one likes a phony...

Also I have been realizing lately that I have spent way too much time
in the roxy threads, they have been fun though, especially boxslayers
posts. I guess I see where you are coming from. I guess she will never
learn her lesson, but oh well. One thread is fine boss!!

You have alot more wisdom then me I hope you realize that sir.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
wilheim said:
Actually I have recieved complaints from several sources about the viciousness of your attacks, you really should lighten up - living with that hate is dangerous.

As far as 100 to 1 goes - I don't those kind of numbers, mainly yourself and hand full of others also somewhat obsessed with Roxy's gender...

Bottom line lets keep any current comments on Roxygurl to a single thread.


I have no problem with keeping it to a single thread, Wil.

What I dont appreciate is your little jab at me calling my comments "sophomore year of high school", if in fact, it was directed towards me. (I'm just assuming it was since I have been making the majority of the jokes and others have made comments about these jokes I have made.)

If this is the case, I have never attacked you, or made comments like that about you, and have even, at times, defended you when everyone was ganging up on you. Besides making picks, I'm here to defend straight up people, and call out scammers. I defended you and the site when people wanted to bash you for the BOS banner. And Im calling out the obvious, which is cfbguy posting as roxygurl. It's part of the support system that makes this site successful.

You definitely seem like an educated man, and I find it very hard to believe with the facts that have been laid, and the events that have unfolded, you still give this loser the benefit of the doubt.

That's fine. You want to reserve judgement, fine. After all you're head mod. Maybe it's best you stay out of it and not take a position. I understand.

But when you not only defend Roxyguy, but go out of your way to take a jab at me, I have a problem with it.

If you werent talking about my comments, allow me to retort.

It doesnt change the subject at hand: cfbguy has been trying for over 2 years to steal posters from your board, on your watch, by posing as a girl.

Anyway, :nopityA:

Dont really care to get into a pissing match. And we both have better things to do.
Jan 19, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
You definitely seem like an educated man, and I find it very hard to believe with the facts that have been laid, and the events that have unfolded, you still give this loser the benefit of the doubt.

I am curious to know the answer to this question as well.

Boxslayer32 said:
It doesnt change the subject at hand: cfbguy has been trying for over 2 years to steal posters from your board, on your watch, by posing as a girl.


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Roxydude has a skybook account so he can't be banned. Just kidding, but the whole rumor about being untouchable if you have a skybook account was funny, at least to me.

Sep 20, 2004
Some of the jokes are funny, but you guys who are obsessed with the subject need to take a step back and ask why it bothers you so much?

I like Roxy , she was a good poster here...I have no idea if she is the person in the picture, but she was a nice poster who got along with almost everyone.

If she is not the person in the picture so what? I may be missing something, but what difference does it make if she is or is not?

Sep 20, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
I have no problem with keeping it to a single thread, Wil.

What I dont appreciate is your little jab at me calling my comments "sophomore year of high school", if in fact, it was directed towards me. (I'm just assuming it was since I have been making the majority of the jokes and others have made comments about these jokes I have made.)

If this is the case, I have never attacked you, or made comments like that about you, and have even, at times, defended you when everyone was ganging up on you. Besides making picks, I'm here to defend straight up people, and call out scammers. I defended you and the site when people wanted to bash you for the BOS banner. And Im calling out the obvious, which is cfbguy posting as roxygurl. It's part of the support system that makes this site successful.

You definitely seem like an educated man, and I find it very hard to believe with the facts that have been laid, and the events that have unfolded, you still give this loser the benefit of the doubt.

That's fine. You want to reserve judgement, fine. After all you're head mod. Maybe it's best you stay out of it and not take a position. I understand.

But when you not only defend Roxyguy, but go out of your way to take a jab at me, I have a problem with it.

If you werent talking about my comments, allow me to retort.

It doesnt change the subject at hand: cfbguy has been trying for over 2 years to steal posters from your board, on your watch, by posing as a girl.

Anyway, :nopityA:

Dont really care to get into a pissing match. And we both have better things to do.

Box, I really think you are better than wasting this much effort on this...I enjoy reading your posts, very funny stuff, what is the big deal if she is or is not the girl in the picture though?
Jan 19, 2006
Cause guys are being mislead that they are talking to a hot chick who
looks like a supermodel that caps the WNBA and wants to have dirty
sex talk with men she hardly knows. boxslayer and scammer alert
basically took away any credibilty she ever had.

I am not speaking for boxslayer but I am sure he wants her to
fess up and admit the truth. She is still lying which makes her even more of
a parasite man. With her posting, it is basically saying I lied to you all
mislead all you dumb fvcks and look I am still allowed to be here, still
allowed to lie and to throw it in your face.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Like I said before, when all of these posts got bumped, I was ashmed in myself for posting in all of them. I never realized. I've come to this conclusion of why I "care":

1) He makes a mockery out of this entire board.

i.e. (hypothetical)
Journeyman: "Orioles -120"
cfbguy: "lol journeyman. im gonna give you a giant nuggie. hehehe. i bet youre sexy. good luck today. if you win, lets hot tub it in Vegas."
Journeyman: "Thanks, Roxy. I definitely wouldnt mind seeing you in a bathing suit. I'll pay for your plane ticket."
cfbguy: (SUCKER, and you call yourself sharp. LMAO. ***.).... "Oh no, I cant, my grandmas cat died, and I'm a wreck."
Journeyman: "OK, why dont you call me and we'll discuss alternatives?"
cfbguy: (JMans aaaaa faagggggggg)..."Oh no, I got strep throat doo-cock-us-maximus. Terrible time of year for that. You know how it goes. I cant talk."
Journeyman: "Ok, well, call me when you get over it."
cfbguy: (This guy never gives up)..."No actually I cant, I just saved 10% by switching to Geico and Im using that 10% on dildos for a big lesbian squirt fest with my friends. I rock. Nuggie time!"
Journeyman: "Wow! big lesbian squirt fest? Sounds awesome. I wish I was outgoing like you."
cfbguy: (horny ass, get over it)....."I know, Im crazy like that."
Journeyman: "Any chance of you posting one more pic of yourself?"
cfbguy: (oh shit...think...think)...."No I cant. I am very shy."

Next day:
cfbguy in vegas to his GF: "Go up to that radio guy and say hi to shrink from roxygurl. Please, Im trying to start this thing online and Im gonna make huge money off of it. If you do it Ill get you that necklace you want when I bank off of this sports board."
cfbguys girlfriend: "OK, Im hammered.......Hi Im roxy....big shout to the shrink."

Yay, Roxy for prez. Shes real. OMG. Awesome. That proved it.

Roxysports.com launches

2) For some reason, it entertains me. I have always enjoyed puzzles and shit like that. I just like solving mysteries, it's fun. What can I say? I'm a homo. Call me, Lance.

3) He steals posters from RX. While therx seems to adopt the philosophy of, who cares if we lose 1 or 2, we are 200,000 strong. I have the business philosophy of "Every customer lost is weakening your business."
Not my place. I dont work here. I know. But, I am part of the "support system". I have enjoyed my time at therx. I have won tons of money. I have enjoyed some threads and conversations. I dont enjoy seeing posters go. Especially to blindly follow sausage thinking it's a pink taco stand.

4) I like helping people at therx. Bros before hoes. When I meet you in Vegas at one of these bashes, we'll hang knowing I had your back. Some people here believe every word this guy/dyke says like its gold. I'm just trying to open some peoples eyes to the facts. I stayed quiet for awhile about it, but honestly, at what point is enough enough for me. I was disgusted knowing what I know and not sharing it to help. A guy like TomB, man, I feel sorry for that guy. I didnt know getting ***** whipped over the internet was possible. But he made it happen. God bless him. He's hopeless.

5) He's in every damn thread. It bothers me. "hehehehe lol. giant nuggie. roxynation. heheheh.lol. roxy nation..giant nuggie. you rock...i rock...he rocks...she rocks...i rock...you rock......hehehehe lol. roxynation. and a giant nuggie." I honestly cant take that shit when Im looking for some real insight. Not just that, but knowing its coming from a fake ass liar passing around 3 pictures of different hot chicks. Some stupid radio show happened, and every bows down. Its ridiculous. AM I taking crazy pills here?

6) I'm an insomniac. I wake up at 9:30am eastern. Dont go to bed until 5am. Check my posts. I have extra time to kill. I type very fast. Im hardly spending as much time as it seems like.

Hope that sums it up.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004

I have tremendous respect for you and this site. I just thought it was funny how the Roxy thread was locked. Thats why I made this thread. All the other crap that goes on and the Roxy stuff is locked. Just thought it was funny and not trying to be a dick.

I could care less if Roxy is a guy, girl, hermaphrodite. Roxy could be "nice", mean, crazy, sane. It does not really matter. When people come on here and try to mislead people (i.e. Alan Palmer, MadCapper, JimFiest), then I will say something. Its more about that than me caring one bit about if she is 46 XX, 46XY, or 47 XXY. I may have posted about 10 times on the subject out of close to 3K posts, I would hardly call that obsessive.
Jan 19, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
Like I said before, when all of these posts got bumped, I was ashmed in myself for posting in all of them. I never realized. I've come to this conclusion of why I "care":

1) He makes a mockery out of this entire board.

i.e. (hypothetical)
Journeyman: "Orioles -120"
cfbguy: "lol journeyman. im gonna give you a giant nuggie. hehehe. i bet youre sexy. good luck today. if you win, lets hot tub it in Vegas."
Journeyman: "Thanks, Roxy. I definitely wouldnt mind seeing you in a bathing suit. I'll pay for your plane ticket."
cfbguy: (SUCKER, and you call yourself sharp. LMAO. ***.).... "Oh no, I cant, my grandmas cat died, and I'm a wreck."
Journeyman: "OK, why dont you call me and we'll discuss alternatives?"
cfbguy: (JMans aaaaa faagggggggg)..."Oh no, I got strep throat doo-cock-us-maximus. Terrible time of year for that. You know how it goes. I cant talk."
Journeyman: "Ok, well, call me when you get over it."
cfbguy: (This guy never gives up)..."No actually I cant, I just saved 10% by switching to Geico and Im using that 10% on dildos for a big lesbian squirt fest with my friends. I rock. Nuggie time!"
Journeyman: "Wow! big lesbian squirt fest? Sounds awesome. I wish I was outgoing like you."
cfbguy: (horny ass, get over it)....."I know, Im crazy like that."
Journeyman: "Any chance of you posting one more pic of yourself?"
cfbguy: (oh shit...think...think)...."No I cant. I am very shy."

Next day:
cfbguy in vegas to his GF: "Go up to that radio guy and say hi to shrink from roxygurl. Please, Im trying to start this thing online and Im gonna make huge money off of it. If you do it Ill get you that necklace you want when I bank off of this sports board."
cfbguys girlfriend: "OK, Im hammered.......Hi Im roxy....big shout to the shrink."

Yay, Roxy for prez. Shes real. OMG. Awesome. That proved it.

Roxysports.com launches

2) For some reason, it entertains me. I have always enjoyed puzzles and shit like that. I just like solving mysteries, it's fun. What can I say? I'm a homo. Call me, Lance.

3) He steals posters from RX. While therx seems to adopt the philosophy of, who cares if we lose 1 or 2, we are 200,000 strong. I have the business philosophy of "Every customer lost is weakening your business."
Not my place. I dont work here. I know. But, I am part of the "support system". I have enjoyed my time at therx. I have won tons of money. I have enjoyed some threads and conversations. I dont enjoy seeing posters go. Especially to blindly follow sausage thinking it's a pink taco stand.

4) I like helping people at therx. Bros before hoes. When I meet you in Vegas at one of these bashes, we'll hang knowing I had your back. Some people here believe every word this guy/dyke says like its gold. I'm just trying to open some peoples eyes to the facts. I stayed quiet for awhile about it, but honestly, at what point is enough enough for me. I was disgusted knowing what I know and not sharing it to help. A guy like TomB, man, I feel sorry for that guy. I didnt know getting ***** whipped over the internet was possible. But he made it happen. God bless him. He's hopeless.

5) He's in every damn thread. It bothers me. "hehehehe lol. giant nuggie. roxynation. heheheh.lol. roxy nation..giant nuggie. you rock...i rock...he rocks...she rocks...i rock...you rock......hehehehe lol. roxynation. and a giant nuggie." I honestly cant take that shit when Im looking for some real insight. Not just that, but knowing its coming from a fake ass liar passing around 3 pictures of different hot chicks. Some stupid radio show happened, and every bows down. Its ridiculous. AM I taking crazy pills here?

6) I'm an insomniac. I wake up at 9:30am eastern. Dont go to bed until 5am. Check my posts. I have extra time to kill. I type very fast. Im hardly spending as much time as it seems like.

Hope that sums it up.

I am in pain from laughing so hard, I showed this to my friend Josh
here and he is dying also. I know I said it before bro, but listen
again, you should be a rich man with the talent you have!!!

OMG that was funny!!! Genius!! Fvckin Genius!!!

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
You must be a sophomore in HS if you think that stupid shit is funny. :nopityA:

Just kidding, Wil! :toast:
Jan 19, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
Journeyman: "Thanks, Roxy. I definitely wouldnt mind seeing you in a bathing suit. I'll pay for your plane ticket."

"cfbguy:Oh no, I cant, my grandmas cat died, and I'm a wreck."

My grandmas cat died:missingte

I swear to God I never laughed so hard!!!!! Thank you boxslayer:103631605

New member
Sep 25, 2004
The funniest part about all this is not Roxy himself
it's even the MODS here calling "it" a SHE

they have been

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